
Sacred Land Journey into the Heart of Ireland, May 2017

Sacred Land Journey into the Heart of Ireland
May 27-June 3, 2017

Experience Your Ancient Remembrance

Sacred Sites, Nature Connection, Walking, Archaeology, Ancestral Healing
Hill of Uisneach the Central Heart of Ireland
Ireland has an iconic place in the worlds psyche, hearkening us back to an ancient spiritual connection with our own wild Soul and Nature. Those who visit Ireland feel embraced by a feeling of finally coming home, a soul retrieval across space and time. The wide open places of windswept beauty, the rugged wild shorelines, spectacular ancient sites, the green expanse of endless fields of grass, Ireland holds the keys to unlocking the door to an ancient memory that awakens a longing to be Interconnected with Nature and remember our Ancestral belonging. This is not an average tour of beautiful places, but one that takes you deeper into the mysteries of Ireland's ancient past and present; a pilgrimage to your own Ancient Remembrance.

The energy of Ireland is transformative. There is a reason why this land has more Sacred Sites than anywhere in the world! For thousands of years, Ireland was a renowned place of pilgrimage where people experienced Divine Communion with Nature and its Energy and Sacred Places of Transcendence. Not only is it a place of Awe-Inspiring Magical Beauty, the ancient Sacred Sites also hold great power. They were created to honor the Spirit World and also served as Portals to anchor Divine Energy and Knowledge in the earthly realm, "As Above, So Below". The indigenous Celtic and proto-Celtic tribes practiced an earth based spirituality very similar to the Native Americans. We will explore and experience this first hand.

The wild elements are still alive with a profound numinous energy that can Awaken the Spirit.  Experience a Life Changing Journey that will fill your soul with awe and steep you in connection to your own Divine Essence.  Ireland is guaranteed to transform you, either in the most subtle or profound ways!

Walk through the Portal into the Ancient Land of Eiru and fill your Senses with the Wisdom whispered on Nature's breath
Benbulben Mountain, Sligo, Home of the Ancestors
Journey with us along the Wild Atlantic Way and through the vast windswept mountains, 
bogs and turquoise waters of Connemara, the Burren and Sligo, renowned for their
remote wildness and spectacular scenery 
in the far west of Ireland. 

Visit Ancient Sacred Sites, Stone Circles, Fairy Forts, Dolmens and Neolithic Cairns.
Experience the mysterious 
Spirit-filled exotic limestone landscape of the Burren, 
 A place like nowhere else on Earth.

Carrowkeel Cemetery Cairn
~Visit the most Sacred Landscapes of Ireland used for ceremony over thousands of years. 
~Plus hidden places off the beaten path chosen for their potent energy and extraordinary beauty.
~Experience the Real Hidden Mysteries of this fabled land through Sacred Sites and connecting with the Deva's in Nature. 
~Learn to Listen to the messages the Sacred Sites have for you on your personal journey through Shamanic/Druid Meditation techniques.
~Reconnect with the Wisdom of our Ancient Ancestors (European or beyond) who once lived in Harmony and Reverence with the Cycles of Life.
~Learn to anchor new Inner Wisdom to take back home with you and Rejuvenate Your Life.

Light Being at Creevykeel Court Tomb, Sligo

~Listen to the Voices of the Elements at Sacred Sites through the four elements; earth, air, water, fire. The stones, wells, sun and wind carry ancient energetic signatures that enliven dormant codes for awakening the spirit.
~Learn Mindful Photography to deepen present moment awareness and capture energetic essences like fairies and devas.
~Practice connecting with Nature and the whispers of our Ancestors at Sacred Sites through Shamanic/Druid techniques
~Release old cellular memory and energetic patterns with Guided Cellular Memory Healing to clear the mind/emotions/body and ancestral memory.


Cara, Cliffs of Dun Aengus, Inis Mor
Cara Gardner, Journey Guide
Cara has experienced the transformative power of Ireland in depth. She just moved back to California after 4 years living in Galway immersed in studying and researching Shamanism, Archaeology and the healing mysteries of Sacred Sites.  Cara learned through many years on the land that the ancient spiritual practices of the indigenous people have much to offer our modern world. In her research she found Ireland steeped in a rich tradition of nature spirituality practiced by the Neolithic/Bronze Age shamanic cultures and later Celtic Druids. She feels it her life work to bring this ancestral knowledge and grace to our modern world. Her Honors thesis is about Ecotherapy and Shamanism in Ireland highlighting the need for modern people to reconnect with nature for mental and spiritual health. She received advanced shamanic training with a Irish shaman Paul O'Halloran and other wonderful Irish healers. She has taught and practiced her healing techniques in Ireland and now in America. Cara has a private practice as a Shamanic Healer, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Clairvoyant. She also has advanced studies at NUIG in Irish Archaeology. She enjoys sharing factual historical knowledge along with intuitive spiritual inspiration. Cara is passionate about reawakening our memory of European indigenous earth based wisdom, which honors the divine feminine and is in harmony with Nature. Connecting with the spirit of the Land, the Ancestors and the Elemental energy can support tremendous empowerment and awakening that is so needed for our times. 

Cara's Bio: BA Anthropology UC Berkeley (European Neolithic Religious Expression), BA Honors Counseling & Psychotherapy ICHAS Limerick (Ecotherapy- Shamanism/Mindfulness in Ireland), Irish Archaeology (Dip) NUIGalway, Reiki Master, Advanced Shamanic Practitioner, Cara Mia Photography www.caramiaphotography.com

Mary O"Halloran
Mary O'Halloran: Journey Guide
Born in Co. Clare in the West of Ireland Mary was inspired by her parents and grandparents who enriched her upbringing with storytelling, history, genealogy, music, song and mythology. When out on the land with Mary one experiences her knowledge, connection, wisdom and understanding of the ancient landscape and Sacred Sites as she shares her Passion and Love of these places.  A wonderful storyteller, Mary also has a deep knowledge of Irish History, Archaeology, Genealogy and the Clan system. She is also gifted in a number of healing modalities including Bio-Energy, Transforming Cellular & Ancestral Memory Healing. "An extraordinary experience not to  be missed and a feeling of being renewed by the magic of the land" is how people describe their journey with Mary to these Sacred Places. https://www.facebook.com/healingjourneys

November 1st Alignment at Grange Stone Circle, Lough Gur

 8 days/7 nights 

The Cost Includes:
~All accommodations in shared occupancy.  (Single supplement available)
~Full breakfast and dinners plus some picnic lunches.
~All transportation in private van.
~All guest guides and entrance fees.

**Airfare NOT included

Locations for our journey include Galway, Sligo, the Burren, Hill of Tara and Newgrange plus more. The journey will include a variety of Sacred Sites and places in Nature. Accommodations will also include a mix of B&B's, Inns and Lodges.

*More specific itinerary Details coming soon!
*Spaces are limited so please book early! 

For Inquiries and the Itinerary please contact Cara:
email: caragardner@yahoo.com
Skype: Caragardner7
Phone: 805 570 8532

To secure your place a Deposit of $500 is required
Deposits and Payments can be made safely via Paypal 


Greeting the Sun, Sheepshead Penninsula, Co. Cork
Thank you, Namaste and Many Blessings

*all photography copyright Cara Mia Photography

1 comment:

  1. Cara, This looks, sounds, tastes, smells, feels so wonderful! I am so excited for you!
